With the recent announcement last week, most of us are staying home to stop the spread of this virus and it’s the least we can do to help. While staying home and spending quality time away from others are an introvert’s dream, it can be a nightmare for many.
But that doesn’t have to be the case, after all, home is where the heart is, and it’s filled with lots of things for you to do. Besides doing some exercise and online shopping, entertain yourself with some ideas below. We’re here to help navigate through these times, we’re all in this together!
1. Learn something new online!
Enrich yourself during this time and sign up for classes online. YouTube offers a lot of videos from individuals who are willing to share their knowledge for free, and the best part is that you can keep repeating it until you get it right. You can learn how to play the Ukelele, piano, or even how to stitch, cook and bake. Atelier Lodge has a DIY leather craft fun kit for you to make a cardholder at home! There’s even a video tutorial to help you craft this beautiful piece. Buy now and pay later when using Atome at the checkout, and have it split into easy interest-free instalments.
2. Raid your wardrobe
With extra time at home, it’s never too late to start Marie Kondo-ing and start sorting out the items that no longer spark joy. Which means, only keeping things that fit well, you look good in, and feel amazing in. Once you’ve sorted that out, start folding items in the Marie Kondo way.
While we’re on the subject on clothes that fit well, looks good and feel great in, have you checked out EnvyHer? It’s a local (YAS #supportlocal) handmade shapewear and lingerie label that embraces all your curves in the most comfortable way possible! Don’t just take our word for it, they’re offering e-consultations for you to design based on your shape, and what’s more – you can shop now and pay later using Atome when checking out!
3. Netflix
Not going to lie, like anyone with an internet access, I am obsessed with Netflix. I love watching the latest shows, but never really found the time pre-isolation, and instead had been adding lots of shows to my ‘to-be-watched’ list. While we’re spending more time at home, it’s perfect to kick-back and catch up on the shows – bring on the popcorn!
Netflix has recently uploaded the newest seasons of Money Heist, Kim’s Convenience and more (has everyone watched Tiger King yet?) Stay up to date and even host virtual watch parties with your friends on Netflix Party!
4. Stay positive

While staying at home all day, every day is against our very human nature to want to socialise, it’s important to remain positive and not let the situation or negative energy get the best of us. Relax with essentials oils from Natural Living Asia, known to help stimulate areas of our limbic systems (a part of our brain that deals with our emotions and behaviour) and indulge in a whole range of wellness products. Remember to use Atome when checking out, to split the payment into three easy interest free instalments!

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5. Social Media
Social media may have got a bad rep in the past, but no one can deny its essential role its playing now to help keep us all sane and in touch with what our friends are doing. Whether you’re on Instagram – tagging your friends in a fruit/vegetable drawing challenge, reminiscing on previous travels, looking at memes – or on Tik Tok learning the latest dance moves and trends (remember to follow us on @AtomeSG for the latest updates), social media has provided us with a glorious way to cope and momentarily escape life and the present situation.
6. Start cooking

For those who never had the time to learn the craft, now there’s no more excuses. As we all stay home with our loved ones, it’s time to sharpen your tools and head straight to the kitchen to prepare a comforting home-cooked meal.
Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, start things off with the basic and aim to cook at least thrice a week, rather than every single meal, every day, which can be intimidating. Then keep going until you feel confident!
Plus, cooking can help add a sense of structure to your routine especially when working from home. Home-cooked meals, especially from scratch, forces us to set aside time with our family to eat together. Those with children, now would be a great time to start passing on a traditional family recipe and letting them master it. Once quarantined life is over, invite extended family over and show off!
For new parents, while you cook, keep your child entertained with a bunch of quality toys from LittleBaby – colouring books to unleash their creativity, activity toys to stimulate their development while having fun, and even child-safe cutleries, adorable bowls and plates (I mean, a cloud shape platter?? COME ON). Add all these to cart, and use Atome when paying to enjoy a simple, fuss-free checkout with either your debit or credit card. Shop now, pay later with Atome!
No matter what you choose to do or not do, ensure that you’re having fun, and not letting the situation get the best of you. Stay positive, drink lots of water, stay home while we battle this virus out together.
Love it. Own it. Pay later.