Using a Story-Based Approach in Learning

by Starry

Aug 05 2021

Are you a worried parent of a little kid looking for ways to help them learn letters and words? Has no one told you about Letterland? It is a known fact that the first step is the hard one. Getting your child in the habit of learning and reading is the hardest thing for a parent. Luckily, now you have Letterland at your service to reduce the stress of learning.

Children love Letterland, and the parents love it; even the teachers suggest this amazing site for kids to understand and to learn proper pronunciations as they grow old.

The brain of a child

Kids are known to be sharper and more intelligent than their parents. They even manipulate their parents for things and reactions. When your kid wants attention alone on them, they fake cry. When they are hungry, they throw a tantrum. When they do something wrong, they hide. What does that say? It is clear evidence that kids are much smarter than their parents anticipate. Letterland is an online site for phonics development and mental IQ development of kids between the ages of 3 – 8 years.

Letterland allows kids to see pictures and hear stories about different characters that open their minds towards storytelling. They start learning words, identifications of nouns, and even expressions of emotions. Many kids learn through watching cartoons. But Letterland is more filtered and is based on a more educational aspect for phonics and letters.

Choosing the levels

When you use Letterland, you will have three options to choose from for your kid. If your kid is a new learner, the best level would be early years, which is for kids between the ages of 2-4. If your kid can speak short sentences and understand what you are saying, then the Letterland phonics class is better for enhancing your child’s vocabulary and sentences, aimed at kids between the ages 5-6.

Kids between the ages of 7-8 are better at speaking and have better sentence making. To increase their learning stamina, Letterland advanced phonics is the way to go.

Letterland is easy to use for all kids, parents, and even teachers. The site is for educational purposes, and it has been around for some time now. Parents have been very happy with how their kids get better at reading, sentence making, and even choosing the right vocabulary to talk about.

Enhancing Brain capacity

The brain of a child is fully mature by the age of 7. This means whatever habits you instill in them during that age will remain till the very end. The same is for the value and habit of learning. Letterland has created a platform for kids at different learning stages to have a strong basic foundation where they can flourish as better students and have higher IQs.

Letterland uses stories, characters, and visual aids for better memory and learning of kids. This type of learning is better than classroom and book reading. At Letterland, kids indulge in the story and different characters, enhancing their memory to remember details, identify things and even write. From a younger age, if a kid is guided in the right direction, they will succeed ahead in life.

Phonics and their importance

Phonics is very important in the world of learning. Many kids who are in their initial years cannot speak properly. They cannot make their words sound. Some of them cannot even explain what is wrong with it. It ends up infuriating the child, and then they throw tantrums. For this reason, Letterland has introduced different modules and sessions for kids of all ages; 3-8 years is the basic focused age group.

In the initial years, Letterland used basic phonics to help kids make and write letters and words for basic words to try and use daily routine. Letterland helps children keep themselves attracted through different stories and activities that help them gain confidence, revive their memory, and make new stories in their minds. It also helps increase your child’s general knowledge by having different animals and their voices. With such different practices, the child starts to show better learning traits.

Benefits of Letterland

There are plenty of benefits of Letterland: they keep the kids indulged in their stories and characters. As the days pass, you can see your kid becoming better and better at reading, writing, and even speaking. Some of their other benefits include:

1. It helps the child have better motor skills

2. Enhances the fine motor skills

3. Increases the kids IQ

4. Letterland helps the child to become more vocal and confident.

5. Fare better at school

6. The child is more engaged and better at making friends

Thanking Atome

Atome has made many contributions to education and early learning. This app has collaborated with all the best brands and systems globally, including schools, educational centers, fashion brands, makeup, self-care, home care, travel, etc. All these brands have been brought to one platform.

It has already become very popular and fully functional in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. All because of its amazing payment policy. Which is stated in their tagline, “buy now and pay later.” Their customers can shop now and pay back in three easy installments.

The same applies to the collaboration of Letterland, which normally costs $3000, but with Atome, you can pay in three easy installments.

Story learning

If you look closely, kids are affected and influenced by cartoons and what they do. Also, they learn what their parents talk and show each other. This is proof that visual aid is a more powerful tool in learning. The same ideology is taken up by Letterland, which uses different characters and interesting stories with morals and word activities that help them learn as they enjoy the story. They help the kid memorize as they go on with the sessions. This story-based approach has become very popular and is more successful as well.


Early education is as important as any professional education. The child must be made ready for the hurdles ahead and a better career. Your child’s education is and should be your top priority. Making it easier for you, Letterland provides the best phonics and story learning.

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