What Is Paypal Split Payment and Its Types?

by Starry

Mar 19 2021

PayPal split payment maintains payment between one or more receivers and the payment sender. You can also choose some applications that will let you act both as a sender and receiver. For using this split payment application, both sender and receiver must have any PayPal account type. It makes you free from dealing with the payments directly; the sender can send it through PayPal to the actual receiver without disturbing you.

What is PayPal Split Payment?

You can say PayPal is the most convenient and usable payment method of all time. Splitting of payments by PayPal is also known as Adaptive Payments. This payment system enables its users to send money from simple to complex scenarios. The payment in PayPal will be preceded only after approval by the sender. Pre-approved payments are made to make a payment flow for future and when needed sender logs into the account as simply release or approve the pre-approved payments without any check. For approval, the service users need to apply to PayPal. When the payments are executed by a third party in PayPal then the third party becomes the API caller.

There are standard and advanced services used in PayPal payments, standard services don’t require any specific approval but in advanced services, specific approval is needed to be processed by PayPal. When approval is made by PayPal an email notification is made and sent to the sender as well as a receiver in regards to the creation of pre-approved payments. There is also an option called implicit approval payments that allows the sender and the API caller to work on the same account. This allows the sender to keep a check on the API caller’s work and approvals. When the sender confirms that he will not leave or checkout his payment page, then the payments made is called as embedded payment. You might think about how to increase the PayPal credit line but it’s not too complex as you can request to increase or decrease your credit after having a PayPal credit for at least three months.

Types of PayPal Split Payment

Adaptive payments offer mainly four types of payments starting from simple to chained payments. Different methods have different facilities and requirements. You can create each of these payments by using Pay API:

  • Simple Payments

It enables a sender to send single payments to a single receiver. This is one of the traditional payment methods. First of all, the purchaser creates a payment on the merchant’s website and then approves the single payment for the merchant. At last, the receiver gets the payment and ends with successful completion of payment transfer.

  • Parallel Payments

It involves the splitting of payments from the sender to 2 to 6 receivers. It is a set-up of multiple payments made through a single payment request. It is useful for those buyers who buy multiple things from different buyers and pay only once. One more example is when you pay for a trip package you pay only at once but the PayPal split-based payment is made between car rentals, hotel booking, and lunch and air face expenses.

  • Chained Payments

Chained PayPal payment is an indirect method to split payments between several receivers. This involves only a single primary receiver and 1 to 9 secondary receivers. You can call it the procedure made after parallel payment. Here the primary receiver acts as an agent for secondary receivers. There is no linking between sender and secondary receivers as the primary receiver acts as a bridge between the sender and secondary receivers.

  • Delayed Chained Payments

The payments made from chained payments are instant but if you want to delay the payment for secondary receivers then delayed chained payments can be used. This is useful in cases when the primary receiver is done with his job but the secondary receiver is still pending with some jobs to complete. There is a condition that you must pay the secondary receivers within 90 days.


As the demand for payments differs for different projects PayPal split payment has resulted in an outstanding mode of payments in these situations. If you also want to be a part of this secure and safe payment then shop with atome to enjoy the benefits of simple and easy payments. 

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